Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Location for Border Patrol

I'm not too enthusiastic about the Border Patrol's highway checkpoints, but I don't see what that has to do with their new larger headquarters. There seems to be some opposition (probably not much though) to the Border Patrol relocating to the Fraternal Order of Eagles building.

Lots of interesting comments at the end of this article.

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Blogger BBC said...

50 Agents, here? What a waste of taxpayers money.

But being as I'm an Eagles member (didn't go to the meeting) I do know that they need to sell that location and find a smaller one that is more affordable too a smaller membership.

Too bad about losing the best damn dance floor in the area but I think the asking price is fair.

But I'm going on record as being against that damn many boarder patrol agents being here, send them to the Mexican boarder.

Or over near the Washington/Canada boarder, in case no one has noticed, there isn't any fucking land boarder between two county's out here.

7:12 PM, August 17, 2010  
Anonymous Alex said...

How many US Border Patrol arrests have been made out of the Port Angeles station in the past 12 months?

What percentage of US Border Patrol arrests out of the Port Angeles station are connected in any way to the US/Canada border?


8:21 PM, August 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What percentage of US Border Patrol arrests out of the Port Angeles station are connected in any way to the US/Canada border?"

Oh, Silly You! Obviously enough to justify 50 agents and a big new facility in a "recession" economy where the State is cutting services here, there, and everywhere!

Wake up, and get adequately paranoid.

10:03 PM, August 17, 2010  
Anonymous P.R.O.P.A. said...


In his address to the First Party Convention of the people's Republic of Port Angeles in the Year One of the August Revolution, Chairman Mania said the following: "It is evident that without borders there need be no Border Patrol. Our goal, therefore, must be to eliminate borders of all kind whether those borders be county, state or national!"

The struggle continues. Today, Port Angeles. Tomorrow, the world!

5:22 AM, August 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the City's latest grab for more tax money...The Fire Dept consolidation? The council just approved sending it to the voters WITHOUT mentioning that while City taxpayers would have to pay the new "regional" fire tax equal to what the city residents now pay for fire protection, the City of P.A. doesn't have to reduce their property tax level. They didn't reduce their "take" when the Pool District was formed and imposed it's own tax, they kept the old revenue and spent it on other things. Now they intend to do the same thing for the Fire District!

9:40 AM, August 18, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

The city will welcome them with open arms, they'll welcome anyone here that they think will bring in some money. Never mind whose money it is, like the taxpayers.

Politicians are idiots, or become idiots after gaining office.

But the agents sure will have cushy duty out here, there will be no end of them applying for duty out here where they can screw off a lot.

12:04 PM, August 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need the border patrol to save us from racist, gun-wielding banana men!! They're here!!

1:21 PM, August 18, 2010  
Anonymous Sarmonster said...

If the BP is watching the BORDER, I'm not going to bitch too much (picking my battles here). Maybe they need to be spending money on boats for the strait or something instead.

What I DO have a massive problem with is them stopping people IN the US. The 101 checkpoints border on facism and are not a situation Americans should be confronted with in a "Free" country. If we're going to be a bastion of democracy, checkpoints off the border are unacceptable.

If the USG wants to crack down on undocumented immigrants already in the country, that's the job of ICE, not the border patrol, and stopping random people on a public road is NOT the way to do it.

2:50 PM, August 18, 2010  
Anonymous Sarmonster said...

So what's with the "You can only get BP agents in packages of 50?" Is the USG getting some sort of wholesale deal? Can they hire ONE person to assess NEED so they can have the appropriate amount there?

This bureaucracy needs an enema. It also tells me that the department is managed in bulk, AKA not effectively, especially for such a relatively sparsely populated area.

The building itself, if fairly acquired, I don't have an issue with.

3:16 PM, August 18, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

So this undocumented immigrant from England has wandered around this area for fifteen years and is never suspect because he looks exactly like one of us.

Go figure.....

6:48 PM, August 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 years ago, in 2006, there were 4 border agents for Clallam County.

Can anyone tell me what happened in the last 4 years to warrant/justify not only a total DOUBLING of border agents; no, not a TRIPLING of border agents for the area; no, not just a quadrupling of...

Okay, I'll skip ahead for the sake of brevity.. So, what event happened since 2006 that justifies multiplying the border agents by 12 times in a 4 year span, for an area encompassed entirely by a killing frigid water border?

The "illegals" are not slipping through the border every night here, like they are in Arizona. What are the facts that justify this expense as so many essential government services are being curtailed?

10:54 PM, August 18, 2010  
Anonymous Pro Border Patrol said...

the illegals are hiding on the reservations, poisoning our children, and using our services. The border patrol is here to round them up and send them home.

We all have our Governor to thank for inviting them to Washington and issuing them drivers licenses.

Keep up the checkpoints, they will be caught or leave.

7:12 AM, August 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Be afraid,be VERY afraid.

Your Friendly Nazi

11:31 AM, August 19, 2010  
Anonymous Alex said...

"Keep up the checkpoints, they will be caught or leave."

Checkpoints ended on the Peninsula in 2008.

Did the US Border Patrol move on to matters of National Security?

We are not sure.

How many US Border Patrol arrests have been made out of the Port Angeles Station in the past 12 months?

What percentage of US Border Patrol arrests out of the Port Angeles Station are connected in any way to the US/Canada border?

Crickets are chirping.

Answers to these questions will not be found in local papers or on the USBP Port Angeles Station web page.

A local school or fire district wants to expand facilities via a levy- plenty of info on their web pages and in local papers Re: justification for funding. Local agencies- accountable to local voters.

Federal government out to expand local facilities- no info Re: justification for funding on their web page- no hard hitting questions from local reporters.


12:27 PM, August 19, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

All you blogging whiners, pull your heads out. There have been no, i repeat no, highway checkpoints for almost 2 years, so stfu.

Why not have the border patrol here? Would you rather have them in Sequim, Port Townsend, Forks spending their money elsewhere?
They make a fair wage and support our economy.

3:14 PM, August 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nazi,schmazi, we're just here to help.

Sincerly your favorite,


5:13 PM, August 19, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

They make a fair wage and support our economy.

I'm not surprised that a capitalist would say that. But if the economy wasn't here a lot of these monkeys would leave, and I'm good with that.

Too damn many monkeys here.

6:56 PM, August 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"....They make a fair wage and support our economy.."


Your local Mafia

7:38 PM, August 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Capitalist" said:

"Why not have the border patrol here?"

Well, the starting question might be, "Are more Border Agents needed here?" Or, would ardent "Capitalists" support the government spending taxpayer monies on un-needed, unsubstantiated services, just because it might be better spent in "our" community, instead of "theirs"? Smells like PORK to me.

And, a result of the increase in the militarization of the county, as a tourist destination, might be that people get a sense that there is a real reason for all these armed agents running around, and stay away.

I'm not against "protection", if there is a demonstrated need. But I'm not seeing the need.

Convince me otherwise. Not with stupid rhetoric, but with stats and facts relevant to Clallam County. Make that business case, as most capitalists require.

8:42 PM, August 19, 2010  
Anonymous Abdul Al Hazrad said...

In the name of the Prophet, Greeting!

Please, be making this Eagle's Club which, I am certain, is a den of iniquity, into a mosque such as is being built this very minute in your New York City. This will please the faithful and I will not be stuffing my trousers with dynamite and blowing myself up upon you.

My goat, it sends greetings too.

Yours truly,

Abdul Al Hazrad

4:12 AM, August 20, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

Well, the starting question might be, "Are more Border Agents needed here?" Or, would ardent "Capitalists" support the government spending

Whining about how our government spends money is a waste of time, so why not have them spend it here?

7:52 AM, August 20, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Whining about how our government spends money is a waste of time, so why not have them spend it here?

Because I fucking hate modern government and politics, they can move their stupid asses somewhere else and we'll stick with our old country ways.

Do you think we give a shit if all we have is dirt roads? True, you don't like driving your fancy SUV's on them but we don't give a rats ass that you don't know how to slow down and pay attention to life.

If a lot of you would leave we wouldn't need that big tank, understand?

Just fucking go away, we did just fine without you before you came here.

6:51 PM, August 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC said:

"Just fucking go away, we did just fine without you before you came here."

Spoken like a true "native" !

9:09 PM, August 20, 2010  
Anonymous Capitalist said...

Just fucking go away, we did just fine without you before you came here.

If you knew how i was, you would not say that and by the way, my SUV is a hybrid.

Stop suffering from "head in the sand" disease, or maybe you should move to Colville or something

7:57 AM, August 21, 2010  
Anonymous Abdul Al Hazrad said...

In the name of the Prophet, greeting!

Yes, please be moving away all of you infidels. Then more of the believers will move in and we will build a second mosque at the Gottschalks building! Soon mosques every damn where.

Have a nice day,

Abdul Al Hazrad

8:13 AM, August 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whining about how our government spends money is a waste of time, so why not have them spend it here?

Exactly the attitude that got us where we are today. Hope you like having your taxes go way up (your paycheck shrink) to pay for someone else to "make a fair wage and support our economy." God knows the rest of us can't do it anymore.

9:41 AM, August 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hope you like having your taxes go way up (your paycheck shrink) to pay for ..."

No doubt you contributed to this by voting for the library levy and you're probably busy writing to the Tax 'n Spenders on the city council to give a big chunk of your tax dollars to the fine art center. As usual, the Libs have their hands on everyone's wallets for their pet causes ... kumbayah!

3:17 PM, August 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hope you like having your taxes go way up (your paycheck shrink) to pay for ..."

No doubt you contributed to this by voting for the library levy and you're probably busy writing to the Tax 'n Spenders on the city council to give a big chunk of your tax dollars to the fine art center. As usual, the Libs have their hands on everyone's wallets for their pet causes ... kumbayah!

No I didn't, no I'm not and who says I'm a liberal because I don't think bloating the size of government is the way to stimulate the economy?

4:15 PM, August 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No doubt you contributed to this by voting for the library levy and you're probably busy writing to the Tax 'n Spenders on the city council to give a big chunk of your tax dollars to the fine art center. As usual, the Libs have their hands on everyone's wallets for their pet causes ... kumbayah!"

Ah, yes. We revert to Stupid Rhetoric when we cannot actually think for ourselves.

9:42 PM, August 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According the person in the street (in today's PDN), people think it's a good idea to have the BP station here.

But they're obviously Harbor-Work shills, crazy tea partiers and/or paid off by Paul Gottleib and/or Kaj Ahlburg. People will say anything to get their photos in the papers.


1:12 PM, August 22, 2010  
Anonymous Ol' Timer said...

Back when I wuz a young'un, we dinnit have no fancy guvment protectin' the borders. It wuz just us and a double barrel, if you kitch my drift. Kids these days, yer all just spoiled.

4:12 PM, August 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read today that Los Angeles built the most expensive school ever with a nearly $600 million campus. Come on Port Angeles, I bet we can build an even more expensive one! After all, we're worth it!

5:06 PM, August 22, 2010  

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