Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Clallam Business Incubator Might Dissolve

The Business Incubator had a board meeting today, where a decision to dissolve “may or may not” be reached, according to board president Craig Johnson.

In a recent nonscientific survey of Port Angeles residents, 46% said funding for the Business Incubator should be discontinued. 21.6% said funding should continue.


Blogger BBC said...

I'm not going camping in the morning so I'll leave a comment.

We don't need more jobs, we need a lot of monkeys to leave this Monkeyville for jobs in other places is all.

All this bullshit about more jobs is just that, bullshit, so they can make great money trying to create them.

If I controlled this area there would be a moratorium on growth here, too damn many monkeys here and too many of them want to be richer so they can spend the money they take from you and spend it somewhere else.

7:54 PM, September 14, 2010  
Anonymous Stiffed again said...

It's unfortunate that the County will be stuck with the unpaid debt owed by the failed Incubator. Jim Haguewood and the Incubator Board members who served with him should be ashamed of themselves. What dereliction of duty.
By the way --- where are Madsen, Rogers and Haguewood nowadays?

10:37 PM, September 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea, if it wasn't in Port Angeles.

Craig Johnson? Of CPI? Housed in the same building as Karen Rogers Consulting, and Karen Rogers/Excelteck?

If they are so great, let the public have a straightforward accounting. How many businesses were successfully "incubated", at what total cost? And I emphasize TOTAL cost.

If it was a good value, I'm sure the public would support continued funding.

Being Port Angeles..

11:01 PM, September 14, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

I see that in my first comment I said I'm not going camping, damn brain farts.

"I'm not going camping UNTIL in the morning."

It being morning now, I'm leaving in a few hours.

5:30 AM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Everyone needs to remember the $750,000 CASH went to Dr. Cohn and the school district. The CBI never received one penny. The school district spent the money on the Lincoln Center. The loan happened at "believe it or not" Jim Jones and Dr. Cohns request.

Jim Jones and Dr Cohn cooked up the idea to make the CBI pay for it because the school district could not borrow that much money without going to the public for a vote.

Bill Peach fell for it, what a fool

7:25 AM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww the trough has dried up, piggies have to go elsewhere for their taxpayer funded kickbacks.

7:43 AM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous WTF said...

It seems when these “initiatives” fail, (as they usually do: Graving Yard, Harborworks, etc…) we get a lecture about how it was a good idea, everybody was on the up and up, and did their best, and it was the “community’s fault for not supporting it. Here’s Mr. Haugewood (from the comments section at the end of the PDN article :

“The community needs to look in the mirror and determine what it didn't do or could have done in support of the Lincoln Center asset.”

In other words, we’re just too stupid to grasp the intricacies of “Community Development” So best to leave it to our betters (except when it’s time to pay for it.) 5000 bucks a month for this dipshit to insult me. Gee there’s a deal.

Haugewood got his 60grand a year, no problem. Karen got a nice job at Exceltech for her trouble. THEY get the development WE get the bill. The only people who ever profit from this stuff are the ones who set it up in the first place.

7:52 AM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous ex tenant said...

the tenants of the CBI need to pay their rent, no free rides, Buck you are stealing from taxpayers

8:24 AM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous WTF said...

Everyone needs to remember the $750,000 CASH went to Dr. Cohn and the school district. The CBI ...

Thanks for your input, stupid. You might try using your own screen name, instead of mine.

8:51 AM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

interesting, the School District got the money? Dr. Cohn is gone, Bill Peach is gone, Jim Jones now works for the County, poor Dr. Pryne, she sure walked into a legal mess.

Jim Jones is covering his ass, i bet

10:57 AM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

interesting, the School District got the money? Dr. Cohn is gone, Bill Peach is gone, Jim Jones now works for the County, poor Dr. Pryne, she sure walked into a legal mess.

Jim Jones is covering his ass, i bet


1:40 PM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Incidentally, Edna (or whoever the hell you are) if ANY of your comments were actually true, why would you post under someone else's name ??? You start your fake post as a LIAR, so why would anyone believe what you have to say? Think it over, stupid. Then take your meds and try again…

1:56 PM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous Invest -i- gator said...

I've done a little research today, Jim Jones is in fact one of the founding fathers of the CBI loan.
The school district apparently over spent on the construction of the Lincoln Center.
The School District requested a grant from the state and all indication were they would get it.
The School District spent the grant money before it was received.
The State denied the grant.

This sent then School District CFO Jones scrambling. His idea was to get the county to borrow the money from the state and loan it to the Incubator.

Brilliant right

No wonder he wants the CBI to pay the loan back.

3:02 PM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't pin this one on Rogers, Haguewood, or Madsen.

This was Dr. Cohn, Jim Jones and Bill Peach (by the way, Bill Peach was the CBI Director)

I wonder who hired him?

3:05 PM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF? you need to give it a rest.... the troll will never leave if you keep baiting her or him.

Whoever it is makes some interesting points though.

Someone ought to do some real investigative reporting around here.

3:08 PM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone figure out how to make the CBI work, so it can pay the loan back.

That's the only thing in the TAX PAYERS best interest.

Where's the EDC at in all this?

3:53 PM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but the meeting was DELAYED for 2 weeks...
one more paycheck for all involved?

4:15 PM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of falsely accusing the guy who did the legal and financial work necessary to support the actual decision makers orders, why don't you just ask him?

5:18 PM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous WTF said...

WTF? you need to give it a rest.... the troll will never leave if you keep baiting her or him.

Fascism has always depended on attitudes like yours. In Germany in the ’20’s “civilized” well meaning folks just like you chose to take the high road and ignore the loud mouths - (they lost their country) In the 1960’s the “civilized” members of the (then respectable) Republican party chose to ignore the right-wingers, with their dishonest over the top bullshit, and they lost their party. The mission of this troll is to shut down any opposition to her point of view by any means necessary ,.Barring that, she’s happy to derail the thread. Seen any posts from “The Watcher “ lately? So save your weak kneed wimpy advice for somebody else. As for me, when I run into these stupid , ignorant attempts to derail Democracy and discussion in favor of Fascism and evil I’ll raise a little hell, here, or anywhere else.

5:33 PM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want less talk about specifics in our community, and I want MORE RHETORIC!

In listening to the news clips about the recent elections and the TeaParty, I keep wondering "Where are the specifics?"

For example, Doug McClouds' "Let's Clean House" banners are the same. What does that mean, in Port Angeles?

If he, or the local Teabaggers' get elected, does this mean they intend to fire anyone they want to?

Maybe, every Monday morning on the courthouse steps, starting alphabetically, they will work their way through the employment rosters of the police department, fire department, library, etc. in some form of public "execution". What will the "Clean House" criteria be?

Those that are card carrying TeaParty members, or Republicans who have demonstrated their loyalty to the Tea Party leadership will be spared firings, but every one else will be "cleaned" out? ( Kinda like "ethic cleansing", only in America, it will be based on ones' political beliefs).

If these folks are REALLY going to "cut the fat out of Government", how is that going to be done? Commission another governmental agency to review every government employee? Based on what criteria? Hours worked? Sick days taken per year? Political affiliations? Religious or sexual orientation? Ethnic origins?

Too many administrators? How will that be determined? Like in Cambodia, all the "educated elite" will be sent to "re-training camps"?

With the high salaried administrators fired, things will be more efficient, right? At the Post Office, every Friday Morning, the delivery guys will get together to compare notes on what office supplies need to be re-ordered, how much gas and oil for the trucks, and, yes, decide on their own workplace performance. No more "office politics" in the government workplaces, with those pesky administrators gone.

Just like in private enterprise, where there are no "administrators", and the workers run everything, right?

Wait! That's..

So, rather than falling for rah-rah feel good rhetoric, folks might be asking the candidates for what they are going to DO for our community, specifically. Name the guys you intend to fire. Whose puppy's throat do you intend to slit, publicly? Specifically.

9:36 PM, September 15, 2010  
Anonymous Jim H said...

"The mission of this troll is to shut down any opposition to her point of view by any means necessary"

Ha, how wrong you have it WTF? The problem with you is every single post you make is derogatory, you never have anything positive to say, you are paranoid, you think the whole world is out to get you, and when someone challenges you, you resort to insults.

6:43 AM, September 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here, Here! Anon 9:36 p.m. It's time to get this blog site back to some reasonable focus on the issues being discussed / debated and quit all the sarcastic, personal attacks. I am tired of reading the baseless attacks on the character of "public" people in our community, who are, at least, out there doing something. I see Edna P., Max M., Jim H., Jim J., Dick P., Steve T., Karen R., Kent M.,at nearly every community service opportunity, most every charitable fund raiser, doing things for their community. Shame on those of you who are hiding behind your anonymous postings (or even worse, PRETENDING to be someone else with your posts)doing nothing but slamming the character and motives of those "public" people, without providing specifics or even bothering to get even your most basic facts straight. Tom, I propose that any post that includes a named, personal attack be stricken from your blog unless it is signed by the person making the attack (confirmed, by you, by their computer I.D.).

7:27 AM, September 16, 2010  
Anonymous WTF said...

Ha, how wrong you have it WTF? The problem with you is every single post you make is derogatory, you never have anything positive to say, you are paranoid, you think the whole world is out to get you, and when someone challenges you, you resort to insults.

Oh ok. I guess the local republican party isn’t controlled by the real estate industry. Haborworks was really a good idea we’re just too stupid to understand. Richard Headrick wasn’t turned out of office by the voters only to be reappointed by his cronies on the council. The CBI failed because the community didn’t support it. The Graving yard was all the Indians fault. Dick Pilling didn’t try to sneak a ringer onto the conservation board. Karen Rodgers didn’t take a job with an outfit she’d been steering city contracts to. NO, none of that actually happened , I’M JUST PARANOID. Yeah, that’s the ticket…

9:09 AM, September 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that "community leaders" are assumed only to be those who are members of the Chamber of Commerce or PABA? Doesn't this pretty much limit the field of leaders to those who are essentially retirees or self-employed (such as real estate agents)and have plenty of flexible time on their hands to attend meetings?

3:37 PM, September 16, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh ok.......
1. the local Repub's are controlled by Real Estate guy, is that any worse then the Dem's being controlled by the unions?
2. Harbor Works could have worked out great for the city had Rayonier sold the property, it got cleaned up and put to good use. It seems like it was worth a try to me.
3. Hendricks, this shit happens all the time, our Governer ignored the voters and set aside a certain property tax issue or Governor Locke ignoring the voters and forced them to pay for a stadium with sales tax revenue, or how about Dixie Lee Ray?
4. The CBI failed because the School District stuck them with a loan for their asset.
5. The graving Yard was the Port's fault, they new the Native people were buried there in the 70's.
6. Dick P is clearly self serving, I'll give you that one. But he is a tremendously charitable person.
7. what's wrong with Rogers getting a job, she never did anything without at least 3 other votes from the council, and she never did anything that she did not think was in the City's best interest.

PARANOID seems like the perfect adjective for WTF to me.

7:54 AM, September 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:37 p.m. said...
Why is it that "community leaders" are assumed only to be those who are members of the Chamber of Commerce or PABA? Doesn't this pretty much limit the field of leaders to those who are essentially retirees or self-employed (such as real estate agents)and have plenty of flexible time on their hands to attend meetings?

Duh! People who don't have enough "flexible" time to get involved in the community, DON'T get involved, and therefore don't lead the community! I would maintain, however, that there are quite a few people who PRIORITIZE their community involvement time, even though they really don't have that flexible a work schedule.

9:13 AM, September 17, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

anonymous 3:37 PM, September 16-

Good point... but what qualities, experience, etc are desirable when choosing a council member?

What do we want? Do we want someone with a strong business background? Someone who grew up here? Someone who didn’t? Do they need a lot of political experience? Do they need ties to other groups and commissions, (PABA, PADA, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) - or not?

Clearly we know what we DON’T want . Most of the new council members were elected because they had no ties to the old ones. But what if you could design the perfect council member? What would he/she be?

9:27 AM, September 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 7:54 AM, September 17 makes comments too lengthy to directly quote completely, but I do want to make a few obvious points.

1. "Dems controlled by unions, vs Repubs controlled by real estate interests." In local politics, as we see clearly in Port Angeles, real estate issues dominate the considerations. How many examples can we think of, in recent times, here? During the same time, how many "union" issues have been in the headlines?

2. "Harbor Works could have worked out great for the city had Rayonier sold the property.." The writer forgets that HarborWorks wanted Rayonier to PAY Harborworks for only selected portions of their property. I can see any landowner going for such a great offer! Plus, the "due diligence" studies done BY HarborWorks concluded there was NO interest in industrial, commercial, retail or residential development of the Rayonier site. Great deal? For whom?

3. "Hendricks, this shit happens all the time.." Because the old council blatantly ignored the voters, and engaged in blatant crony-ism is reason enough to attempt to find justification?? Not in my world. We try to identify problems, and find solutions. Not find rationalizations for blatant crony-isms.

4. "The CBI failed because the School District stuck them with a loan for their asset." The CBI's failures had nothing to do with the administrations unreasonably high salaries, and not producing enough of demonstrable value? Since when are loans a problem? Not putting the loans to good use, is.

5. "The graving Yard was the Port's fault.." Looking back at all the same old crew that pushes these projects in Port Angeles, we can easily see it was not just the Port that was trying to get the State to locate those facilities in Port Angeles. Look up articles from back then.

7. "what's wrong with Rogers getting a job, she never did anything without at least 3 other votes from the council.." Anyone who was awake during the period of time Rogers was on the council knows the truth. There are many accounts of her eagerness to threaten and bully anyone that disagreed with her. If I remember correctly, she even contacted Tom, here, and threatened folks here.

Will this community EVER move forward?

10:23 AM, September 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't equate attending weekly meetings of the Chamber of Commerce or PABA as the same as "involvement with the community." Those appear to me to be largely business networking activities and opportunities for social interactions. What about the people who quietly try to better the lives of community members --- such as volunteers or underpaid employees at social service agencies? Or teachers and school administrators? Or medical personnel and caregivers? Or clergy? Or even civic activists who attend governmental meetings and comment on-the-record about proposed projects? Maybe such folks don't have the time or inclination to spend money on breakfast or lunch meetings every week, but lead the community by selfless contributions to making it better.

10:46 AM, September 17, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Anonymous 7:54 AM, September 17

1. Really? Just which unions control local democrats? How about a serving of facts to go along with that Republican Rhetoric?

2. It may have "been worth a try" but it surely wasn't worth 1.5 million dollars we'll never see again. I notice you didn't mention the sleazy way HW came into existence... it was such a good idea it had to be developed under the cover of darkness and rammed down our throats, right? It’s time for the city to seize the site and sue Rayonier - with as much media coverage as they can get. You’ll see how fast their shareholders convince the board to negotiate in earnest.

3."this shit happens all the time..." Your "examples" have NOTHING to do with local politics- it serves as only a distraction (more rhetoric...) but yeah it does happen here alot. That's how sweet Edna got her short lived spot on the council.

4. Yeah, I know. I'm still trying to figure out THAT bit of "creative" financing. The fact is PA is a working class town that has lost it’s industrial base. Politicians of every stripe have been milking that fact (Promising pie in the sky jobs for votes) for decades now. Those jobs are gone, and they ain’t coming back. I do wonder about the wisdom of helping “entrepreneurs” build a Kool-Aid stand in a town where nobody can afford to buy a cup.

5. The Port was the only group that was aware of native remains at the site? Duh… EVERYBODY knew about that. I learned about that village in the 6th grade. The Port and City chose to go ahead on that cursed program in spit of what they knew, trying their best to minimize and cover up the negatives, and achieved a predictable result.

6. So no argument about Dick? I would imagine that’s because his motives are so cheesily transparent. But I think most “charitable” activities by politicians have more to do with networking, credentials for the next election, and good old fashioned self interest. (like Edna’s “Paint the Town”)

7. Maybe you should try Goggling “ Conflict of Interest” ... 3 or 4 of her cronies on the council backing her play doesn’t really excuse her actions in this area.

11:48 AM, September 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 10:23 of 9/17 that Karen Rogers' tactics included bullying and threatening in order to silence opposition and to get her way. Unfortunately some of the other people on the city council at the time she was there lacked the backbone and sense of duty to stand up to her. She also had able accomplices, though, including the former City Manager and the present public works director; plenty of bullies to go around.

4:59 PM, September 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are all jealous of Karen Rogers, that's the only logical way to explain your obsession

6:31 PM, September 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You guys are all jealous of Karen Rogers, that's the only logical way to explain your obsession."

Who brought up Karen Rogers in this thread? Someone who vainly tried to paint her actions as defensible. Everyone else has only pointed out the actions she herself chose to take.

Oh, sorry. Those damned facts getting in the way of your accusations?

No, I am not only NOT jealous of Karen Rogers, I proudly will have nothing to do with a person who demonstrates such lack of morality.

8:59 PM, September 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your jealous, admit it!

6:54 AM, September 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"your jealous, admit it!"

Yore Karen, admit it! Yore also iliturit!

10:24 AM, September 18, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

If the Incubator is going under, what will they do with all those baby chickens?

1:08 PM, September 18, 2010  
Anonymous invest -i- gator said...

the grammer cops are back, uh oh.

Seriously, could this meeting have been canceled due to the coming election, i mean think about it, bad press for both commissioners.

After all they approved the loan to the CBI for a school district asset.

1:21 PM, September 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Jones has gotta be nervous

2:08 PM, September 18, 2010  
Anonymous Grammar Cop said...

"the grammer cops are back, uh oh."

The first letter of a sentence should be capitalized. Also, it is "grammar" not "grammer".

Hugs and kisses,
Grammar Cop

9:49 PM, September 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the paper report on this? I want to know the truth.

7:54 AM, September 19, 2010  
Anonymous Krammer Kop said...

Tyme for a knew tread!!

8:23 AM, September 19, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Will the paper report on this? I want to know the truth.

I"m afraid you'll need to make up your mind. Do you want an article in the PDN, or do you want the truth? Can't have both...

9:33 AM, September 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, nice one WTF?

11:53 AM, September 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this "incubator" was just to give money to certain people..not for everyone. I went to them, they weren't interested in anything from anyone. Talk about the cold shoulder and being shown the door.

11:12 PM, September 19, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noboby gave anyone money, quit being stupid.

6:00 AM, September 20, 2010  
Anonymous Jim Jones said...

"Anonymous 2:08 p.m. said...
Jim Jones has gotta be nervous"

For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone would think I "gotta be nervous". If anyone wants to contact me directly (and not hide behind an anonymous blog), to ask me any question about my role in the construction of the Lincoln Center Building (a first class community asset, in my opinion), I will be happy to discuss it with you. You can reach me in the commissioners office at 417-2233.

11:31 AM, September 20, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Edna, why did you purloin that sculpture from the corner of Front and Laurel?

11:45 AM, September 20, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

WTF? said...
Edna, why did you purloin that sculpture from the corner of Front and Laurel?

Not me just another jealous poser...

PS...good for Jim Jones !!!

12:40 PM, September 20, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Jim can you explain to us why the CBI got burdened with a loan from the taxpayers, that clearly went to improvements for an asset (The Lincoln Center)which is owned by the School District and College?

2:42 PM, September 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha!

"The Watcher" is not the victim of some diabolical fascist plot, WTF. Someone figured out "The Watcher" was Max Mania and outed him and his shennanigans.

You need to seriously get a grip on reality. Your paranoid fantasies of persecution are getting a little tedious, as are your calling everyone who disagrees with you a "troll."

3:17 PM, September 20, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Not me just another jealous poser...

Will you Fascist trolls quit hijacking my alias, damn it! I'm smarter than you, I earn more than you, I'm better in bed than any of you and I know what you're trying to do. I must polish my foil hat now otherw ise I'd take the gloves off and give you what for!

3:22 PM, September 20, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Just you wait, Fascist troll(s)! The gloves are coming off! I mean it this time!

5:45 PM, September 20, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

WTF 2:42, 3:17, 3:22

OOOOh somebody's having a bad day...I'm assuming since nobody's biting on your stupid assesment of the CBI situation, and the fact that Mr. Jones called you out, you're now going to start acting the fool again and do what you can to wreck the thread. I don't even need to make an ass of you- you come ready made.

5:53 PM, September 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're now going to start acting the fool again

It takes a fool to know a fool, just as it takes a troll to know a troll. How's the therapy for your persecution "Mania" going WTF?

This post sums it up nicely:
"Ha, how wrong you have it WTF? The problem with you is every single post you make is derogatory, you never have anything positive to say, you are paranoid, you think the whole world is out to get you, and when someone challenges you, you resort to insults"

Take your meds WTF and try again.

4:34 AM, September 21, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep, WTF or WTF? or whatever alias is used has lost all credability.

Stick to the topics, everyone will never always agree with you.

Get over it.

10:09 AM, September 21, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

How's the therapy for your persecution "Mania" going WTF?

When I pick bugs off my tomato plants, I'm not feeling "persecuted"...same with you. You're simply a pest that needs to be dealt with periodically. I don’t feel” persecuted” by slugs, or dog poop on my shoe. Just a distasteful inconvenience. Nothing more.

11:27 AM, September 21, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

11:27 am "WTF?" is NOT ME!

1:45 PM, September 21, 2010  

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