Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bomb Squad Called to Port Angeles Neighborhood

Authorities have cordoned off a Port Angeles neighborhood after arresting a 51-year-old man for an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). It happened in the 300 block of Forest Avenue.

The neighborhood blockade also includes the 2400 to 2500 block of South Cherry Street as well as the 300 block of Forest Avenue.

In other late-breaking news (meaning not in today's hard copy of the PDN), the Joyce General Store was burglarized at around 5 a.m. this morning. The burglar was spotted on video surveillance, wearing a black stocking cap, black jacket, gray running pants and black tennis shoes, and carrying a gray or silver backpack with a black triangle design on the back.


Blogger BBC said...

An Improvised Explosive Devise.

Devise or device?

Anyway, if he is any good he could be an instructor to the rest of us, they come in handy during anarchy I suppose.

6:55 PM, August 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right here in Port Angeles! I wonder if the person knew the Banana Man?

10:05 PM, August 24, 2010  
Anonymous Digital Amish said...

What's the over/under on how many many levels of government security responded? I'm picking four (city, county, state, fed)

3:30 AM, August 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares? Max Mania! MAX MANIA!!!

10:14 AM, August 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI the Joyce store burglary was in the hard copy on the back page of the front section.

10:36 AM, August 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max is too busy reading his packets and asking questions to be making IEDs. Really, get your facts straight. Troll!

1:31 PM, August 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max told the guy to shoot himself in the leg. Max told the police about the IED. Max drove the leg shooter to the hospital. Max wrote the PDN article. Max runs this web site. Max runs Washington State. Max run the Senate. Max runs the Legislature. Max drives my car. Max buys my food. Max walks my dog.

Everything is about Max, don't you know?

Meet me up at the Center on 8th street, and I'll show you all my facts and proof. You'll know me as the guy with the slippers and white paper cup.

9:47 PM, August 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he's doing all those things when does he have time to read his information packets and ask informed questions?

Max, you're overworking yourself. Please cut back, take time to smell the roses and, above all, bake some cookies.

6:56 AM, August 26, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am interested in the article in todays' PDN about the Department of Ecology's Wednsday letter to HarborWorks and the City.

A few weeks ago, after the reps from the city went to Olympia to ask for more money, they all were interviewed and seemed expectant of more money. Dept of Ecology was being assigned things they never said.

Now we have a letter from Dept. of Ecology clearifying things. Now the mayor is not "optomistic".

Yeah, Reality can be a bitch!

9:30 AM, August 26, 2010  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Please NOTE: I won't be having any computer access for the next day and a half or so. I hope you'll keep commenting; I just won't be able to publish them until late tomorrow.

10:08 AM, August 26, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

What is it that the state is going to give Harbor Works if they get their grubby fingers on the old mill site?

Four million as I recall, on a quite night you can hear them rubbing their fingers together in anticipation of more great wages so they can justify their sorry ass excuses for lives.

6:53 PM, August 26, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

How in the hell do you clean a gun when it has bullets in it?

6:55 PM, August 26, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Max Mania? He sounds like a real doofus.

9:07 PM, August 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who is Max Mania? He sounds like a real doofus."

The real person, or the boogie-man some doofus who posts here keeps harping on and on and on about?

10:32 PM, August 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who is Max Mania? He sounds like a real doofus."

Yeah, no kidding. Who is this guy?

2:24 PM, August 28, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who is Max Mania? He sounds like a real doofus."

Yeah, no kidding. Who is this guy?"

The real guy is someone elected to the Port Angeles City Council, who has differentiated himself from the usual bunch by asking independant questions, paying attention, doing his homework before council sessions, and being an informed representative of the public.

The "doofus" is some idiot that is wasting time and space with completely inane garbage.

I hope this helps.

11:53 PM, August 28, 2010  

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