Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Harbor-Works Will Return $168,588

That's how much Harbor-Works has left, out of the original $1.3 million loaned to them by the City and Port of Port Angeles.

The City Council will presumably vote to dissolve Harbor-Works at its October 19th meeting. After that, Harbor-Works will present a cashier's check to the city.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A "loan" of $1.3 milliion and they are only returning a drop in the bucket with no penalties?

Gee, I wish it worked that way with my home mortgage. Wouldn't that be nice?

Think about it, $1.3 million dollars from the Port and City of Port Angeles to fritter away. Our tax dollars at work. This is disgusting.

9:31 AM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Ten cents on the dollar. In a cashier's check. Sounds like a Craigslist scam...

9:59 AM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Wow, where did it all go?

11:25 AM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a capitalist scam! But then HW was run by capitalists so who is surprised? Disgusting is right!

11:26 AM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

We should be glad, I guess, that we didn't get the usual lecture about how stupid we are for not supporting Harborworks. With Kaj out of town, Howie attacking the metally ill, and poor Lincoln looking (not too hard) for work, I guess the crew was just too busy...

12:24 PM, September 22, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

In the comments below this string WTF asked me for instructions on how to make quotes bold.

I can't explain how in a comment box or the example will just show up in bold type, well, maybe I can by breaking the example up.

Type a <
Type a b
Type a >
Copy/paste the quote.
Type a <
Type a /
Type a b
Type a >

Use an i instead of a b if you want the quote in italics (slanted.

I just noticed that if you are typing in a comment box that there is a sample just below it as an example. But you have to put a / in the end tag.

12:44 PM, September 22, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...


BBC are my initials, I prefer to be called Billy, Motherfucker, Asshole, or late for dinner, anything is acceptable from friends but Buttfucker.

12:51 PM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

Give the taxpayer's money back,Kaj Ahlburg!

2:26 PM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did it all go? Does anyone know?

3:17 PM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous Neighbor said...

And Jeff Lincoln and Co. of course just approved a nice severance package for Lincoln. This just gets worse and worse! We're going to be expected to lose some of our nice services because of a budget shortfall, while swallowing this crap! Disgusting doesn't even begin to cover it.

3:27 PM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody git a rope....

9:34 PM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone posted on the PDN site: Lincoln got $10,800 a MONTH??? And, on top of that crazy sum, for producing nothing, he gets another $70,000 "severance". ? AND, whines about that as "disincentive" for him to look for another job?

I heard that the Attorney General in California is reviewing public official's salaries for excesses.

Not that I have any hope for anything like "justice" in political matters in Washington State.

9:39 PM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous Money matters said...

Aren't we fortunate that Jim Hallett, financial advisor, is on the HarborWorks Board. Just imagine how bankrupt that group would have been without Jim's expert oversight.

11:36 PM, September 22, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

I think Jeff Lincoln and Haborworks did a great job, they figured out what needs to be done for clean up, they figured out we can use the old tank for waste water managment purposes, they did not dig up any Indian bones and only cost us $1.1 million.

I think the Port should hire him and fire Hagiwara then pay Hagiwara another severance.

4:47 AM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, let us not forget the other financial whiz-kid, Kaj Ahlburg.

Yep, the community was well served by this crew.

The supporters say the "...experience was valuable". Yes, I can see that. The community was stripped of limited funds, got reports concluding what it already knew, and a few cronies got lots of money. Valuable to them!

8:25 AM, September 23, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

And in the news...

LOS ANGELES - After months of jaw-dropping salaries numbers, tales of corruption and citizen outrage, eight current and former officials from the city of Bell have appeared in front of a judge in shackles and jail jumpsuits.

8:29 AM, September 23, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Why do over paid people get hired to try to get things done?

Apparently because our elected officials are too stupid to figure out how to do things.

We need better public servants that are willing to do things simply they want to serve the public, not get rich off of the public.

9:07 AM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us not forget the Port of Port Angeles Commissioner who supported all this "salary excess" without reservation, and is now trying to be rewarded for all his great work by asking for your vote.

Of course, I'm speaking about McEntire, who has "Fiscal Responsibility" plastered all over his billboards.

Here is a chance for local voters to "judge" a candidate specifically on this topic.

What are your guesses how it will go?

9:46 AM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC said...
And in the news...

LOS ANGELES - After months of jaw-dropping salaries numbers, tales of corruption and citizen outrage, eight current and former officials from the city of Bell have appeared in front of a judge in shackles and jail jumpsuits.

8:29 AM, September 23, 2010

So, why does this not happen in Washington State?

9:48 AM, September 23, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

In case there is anyone that is confused about my instructions for writing proper HTML code to make the text in comment boxes look different I've posted it in a graphic showing how to do it. Hope that helps, click on the graphic to make it big enough to see.


10:03 AM, September 23, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

So, why does this not happen in Washington State?

According to the text on my coffee cup it's because.


10:05 AM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The accurate figure for Harbor-Works is $1.5 million. There was an additional $200,000 from the State Dept. of Ecology.

10:19 AM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy sezs:

"So, why does this not happen in Washington State?

According to the text on my coffee cup it's because.


Okay, I won't argue that point.

But, seriously, is there some official, legal reason public officials can be hauled before a judge over excessive salaries and such in California, but not in Washington State?

Watching what happens here, in Port Angeles, year after year, I wonder when there will be any kind of accountability.

No, I'm not holding my breath.

12:05 PM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"and a few cronies got lots of money"

OK,here's more ridiculous trash talk. Since you seem to be on the inside with this information, care to name names and quote exact dollar amounts?

3:17 PM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 12:05 p.m. says:
"...But, seriously, is there some official, legal reason public officials can be hauled before a judge over excessive salaries and such in California, but not in Washington State?

Watching what happens here, in Port Angeles, year after year, I wonder when there will be any kind of accountability."

Show me ANYONE in Port Angeles who has approved themselves a salary level more than 4 times the size of comparable positions in other public organizations, and I'll agree with you. Looking at salary data "exposed" by the PDN, I haven't seen a single person being paid even as much as the comparables for like jobs elsewhere in the state. Even the new Jeffco Hospital Administrator (the HIGHEST paid public official in either Jefferson or Clallam County) took a $75,000 a year cut in pay from what the private sector was paying him.

3:36 PM, September 23, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

You know, there are some pretty intelligent people serving in local politics, although they get to selfcentered. But here's the problem, politics and our political system makes smart people stupid.

And committees make a group of people stupid, especially committees that can vote.

Face it, Port Angeles is poorly ran and I'm glad I don't live in the city limits, city services cost more than the same county services, generally speaking.

They piss away too much money on outside so called experts that think they can get something done when some careful analyst by any half way decent thinking person shows most of them being long shots at best.

If they are so damn good tell them that they'll get paid only for results, after they get said results.

Really, it's stupid to pay them to try to get results.

4:20 PM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC, things in Port Angeles are changing and changing for the better!

City Councilman Max Mania, the fighting progressive, has come at last to show us podunks just how it's really supposed to be done. Along with his un-elected (and un-electable) co-councilors (and string-pullers) Commissars Schanfald and Turner, Max and the terrible Twosome are going to leave no stone unturned in their quest to root out realtors, successful people (especially if they're realtors), people who work for a living (especially those dreadful troglodytes who work in icky "industry") and anyone who opposes them.

Yes, BBC, by the time Max Mania, that capering capon of the city council, and his socialist, enviro-nutjob pals get through with Port Angeles, you won't even recognize it!

Now don't you wish you lived in the city limits?

6:38 PM, September 23, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

Screw it, I'm going to bed, this is a world that we can't fix anyway. If I die tonight just drag my dead ass up into those mountains and dump me where they won't find me, nothing in nature is wasted.

They do too many stupid things to us when we die in a Monkeyville, well, I am a listed organ donor so rip them out and then take me to the mountains.

7:40 PM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes, BBC, by the time Max Mania, that capering capon of the city council, and his socialist, enviro-nutjob pals get through with Port Angeles, you won't even recognize it!"

Glad to see the conversations are back to the things that REALLY matter: Max Mania.

All Max, all the time.


It was okay for a couple hours..

(Try to post this, again)

10:13 PM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"OK,here's more ridiculous trash talk. Since you seem to be on the inside with this information, care to name names and quote exact dollar amounts?"

What planet are YOU living on? This is Port Angeles, where so many folks are on government handouts of one kind or another. In case you have been in a coma for the past few years, there has been a global financial melt down. "Big 5" corporations like Chrysler and GM have had to ask for bailouts to survive, while others have gone out of business.

Yet, during that same time period, the "cronies" here in Port Angeles have approved salaries totally out of keeping with both the national economic situations, and/or the realities in the Port Angeles area.

Obviously you've been, and continue to be living in some kind of Fantasy Island bubble, not Port Angeles. Because, had you ANY idea of the local conditions, you would see vacant commercial, retail and residential real estate that has been vacant for YEARS now.

In "market conditions" such as these, it does not make prudent financial sense to plan for a Rolls Royce dealership in Port Angeles. Or to pay administrators Rolls Royce salaries.

Since you are "in the know", please detail for readers here exactly how much Exelteck was paid to "oversee" the construction of the Gateway project. And, what the cost of the Gateway project was.

10:28 PM, September 23, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

blah blah blah...

(fits right into the old “Mary Tyler Moore Show” theme song…)

Who can shut a thread down with her bile?
Who can make a “nothing” point -and suddenly make us all laugh and smile-
Well its Edna and you should know it
With each “Max” and every “squak a doodle “ she shows it

Edna’s on the case - no need to worry
She will set you straight, and in a hurry
It’s always “those darn liberals” fault…

8:03 AM, September 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, turn the page to the next financial disaster and give away, the Rayonier tank and polluted land that the City will pay Rayonier $995k for (basically to clean up the pollution that the City said they would never use City money for). (Which 6 of the 7 the Council members voted for without having written information on which to base its vote; just their attorneys verbal description of a contract which has yet come to pass.)

Then the State chips in a "loan" of $10M for build pipes along the waterfront to the tank, which are in a designated flood-tsunami zone. Think/ If the tank overflows with sewage and polluted storm water, there goes the Rayonier land and Ennis Creek cleanups, as well as the Harbor cleanup. Or said otherwise, the City of Port Angeles becomes a liable party for the cleanup.

To pay for another pending disaster, the City raises the utility rates of the Pt Angeles citizens.

All governments know that if low impact development methods of handling storm water were put in place, which they will have to be in areas of newly constructed homes and businesses, the pipes and tank would be unnecessary.

It is unfortunate the City doesn't have staff that can think about real sustainable storm water-sewage handling methods nor a Council that will do its homework.

6:44 PM, September 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Since you are "in the know", please detail for readers here exactly how much Exelteck was paid to "oversee" the construction of the Gateway project. And, what the cost of the Gateway project was."

I see no response.

Of course.

10:34 PM, September 24, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Obviously you've been, and continue to be living in some kind of Fantasy Island bubble, not Port Angeles."

um, Port Angeles IS a fantasy island bubble... always has been, always will be. People shut their eyes to the outside world so they can't see how bad they really have it. Crime, unemployment, crowded roads, broken infrastructure... those are all things big cities have, but not here... never here...

12:38 AM, September 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... nor a Council that will do its homework."

Well, always excepting Max, of course. He reads his information packets and asks questions ... then gets snippy with some Fascist department head.

"I see no response.

Of course."

Same here. My question goes blithely ignored or simply brushed past. Obviously none of you can provide specific information on who stole money, how much was stolen and where this stolen money went to
"cronies" "Exeltech" "vacant real estate" and "the Gateway" are not qualifying answers.

Who stole the money
How much money was stolen
Where is the money now

Man up with answers, 'k?

1:54 PM, September 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who stole the money
How much money was stolen
Where is the money now

Man up with answers, 'k?"

As was asked: "Since you are "in the know", please detail for readers here exactly how much Exelteck was paid to "oversee" the construction of the Gateway project. And, what the cost of the Gateway project was."

Since you are obviously "In the know.." You will be able to answer this easy series of questions.

And, it will provide readers here the answer to your questions. Who "stole" the money? Show the readers here how much Excelteck was paid by the former city council for "overseeing" the Gateway project. (Hint: It will make HarborWorks expenditures look like a lunch at McDonalds). Same with your second and third questions. Excelteck is not the ONLY issue, but it is a great "example".

Who voted for Excelteck? Who voted for Gateway? Who got a job with Excelteck?

You're the smart one here; just come out and say what most already know.

10:20 PM, September 26, 2010  
Anonymous WTF? said...

I think Harborworks and the Gateway are two separate issues. With a price tag of OVER fourteen million dollars, The Gateway provided more than ample room for outright theft. At 1.5 million , Harborworks was barely worth the effort…or was it? How many on the board and their supporters are preening themselves for the next round of elections? City, County, Port etc… (Kaj , for sure, Howie, maybe…hell McEntire‘s running right now. ) What a great political boost to ride in on a white horse with a bunch of “WE GOT ‘ER DONE” bullshit… In their public comments regarding their failure, they all parrot the same “good idea, did our best, just didn’t work out” mantra. Each glosses over the dubious beginnings of the project, none will even consider it may have been a mistake, and every goddamn one of ‘em is a local Republican . Just like the Gateway, as well as the Graving Yard fiasco. Don’t get me wrong, these folks are a lot of fun when they’re over in the park on Lincoln Street, screaming bugeyed about Obama’s citizenship - but they’re downright dangerous in an actual civic position.

8:29 AM, September 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, 10:20 PM, September 26, 2010, I asked first. =P But since you seem to be all feverish to tell us about it, go ahead.

If there's really wrong doing, I'd like to know about it as, I suppose, would many others. Why not call the paper or some government office?

Anyway, I sure hope the Dear Leaderhas lead a blameless life, free from any breath of scandal. Why isn't he the humble "grocery clerk" any more?

12:26 PM, September 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anyway, I sure hope the Dear Leaderhas lead a blameless life, free from any breath of scandal. Why isn't he the humble "grocery clerk" any more?"

Given Dan Diguilio is the Mayor, and therefore the "Leader", I guess you'll have to ask him.

11:11 PM, September 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If there's really wrong doing, I'd like to know about it as, I suppose, would many others. Why not call the paper or some government office?"

I guess this reasoning applies to the malcontents such as yourself that seemingly have no other outlet for their bile than this forum!

Most others here write about interesting topics. But you just go on and on and on about the same thing.

So, I'll throw your sentence right back at you :"If there's really wrong doing, I'd like to know about it as, I suppose, would many others. Why not call the paper or some government office?"

Enough of the petty crap. Spell out the specifics. If you have a valid point, state it.

11:17 PM, September 27, 2010  

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