“Port Angeles: The Authentic Northwest”
This is the new Port Angeles slogan chosen by the Chamber of Commerce.
It’s short; a lot less cumbersome than the previous slogan.
It’s short; a lot less cumbersome than the previous slogan.
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“Port Angeles: The Authentic Northwest.”
Hahhahaha, hey, stop cracking me up.
The only concrete evidence we have that all those jokers are not a bunch of clowns is the fact that their cars are not small enough.
and shoes aren't big enough
au·then·tic (ô-thntk)
1. Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief: an authentic account by an eyewitness.
2. Having a claimed and verifiable origin or authorship; not counterfeit or copied: an authentic medieval sword.
3. Law Executed with due process: an authentic deed.
4. Music
a. Of, relating to, or being a medieval mode having a range from its final tone to the octave above it.
b. Of, relating to, or being a cadence with the dominant chord immediately preceding the tonic chord.
5. Obsolete Authoritative.
-----Doesn't sound like Port Angeles to me.
I think they chose the new tag line by putting all the choices in a hat, and blindfolded, picked out one.
It's stupid. Authentic Northwest leads one to believe that the concept they are trying to portray is hillbillies and lumberjacks,fur traiders, "injin" hunters and those fleeing from the law.
IF we go by the Lewis and Clark depiction of the Pacific Northwest ..you can tell by what they named: "Dismal Nitch", Point Distress, Cape Disappointment. Dismal, Distressed, and Disappointment. That's authentic, alright.
They hated it, and told people there was nothing to see. It was wet, and miserable.
Again, this proves our chamber has no idea what they are doing, and couldn't sell ice to someone in the desert.
Awww, man! That one's just too easy...
Did someone just go through their spell checker and try to find synonyms for "real", and then simply pick the longest word in the bunch? To me, "authentic" is a word more often used in courtrooms to describe something authoritative or verifiable. Can a land mass be characterized as "authentic"? Would a better term be "natural"?
I am so confused....the old slogan, "Center of It All" was considered kinda snobby to declare PA is the center of "whatever" it all is - and so now PA declares that they are "the Authentic Northwest".....so how will the rest of the state feel about that.....along with Idaho and Oregon. Not likin it.
Who dreamed that one up??
I think the slogans that posters here came up with were a LOT more appropriate than "The Authentic Northwest". It is SO lame.
If stupidity, arrogance, racism, and hillbilly-ism are things a town can try to be proud about, I guess Port Angeles is the town to try.
Anybody holding a public kid branding, this week? I'm sure the tourist will come arunnin'..
Here's the most authentic slogan of all submitted:
"Port Angeles. Where industry meets the waterfront."
Thanks to whoever suggested it. It will remain my personal favorite.
Authentic does not work for a slogan, unless one has a lisp and a fake limp. Even with a big Irish brogue it doesn't work. It rolls of the tongue like a sack of dead squirrels. In print it looks pretentious and pedantic.
It oozes fake and insecure.
Way to go, Chamber. It reflects your leadership, very well.
I hope it's not too late to change it.
We're INSECURE and think out poopies not only don't stink, but are carried away by little angels.
Yep, we're the AUTHENTIC Northwest. Too bad the phase is more than a decade old....check out the 2000 chowhound: http://chowhound.chow.com/topics/10035
and eopinions: http://www.epinions.com/fddk-review-3EFD-3F644B4-38D2BF81-prod4
And, in brochures from a travel agency. http://www.evergreenescapes.com/
Yeah, really ORIGINAL. Geez, nothing like turning an old phrase
Gateway to nature.
Gateway to where nature meets the ocean.
But if we had any brains at all we wouldn't be telling others about this area.
Wow, three suicides here this weekend, that's a lot for the population here. Some monkeys just don't learn how to deal with things on this rock, I know that I had to learn how to not go insane, and it wasn't easy to learn, one misstep and you're there.
The good news is this didn’t involve a thirty thousand dollar study. The bad news is this slogan is as stupid and lackluster as the old slogan. But I think in this case, the Chamber has a tough job. Without outright lies and deception, how can you get somebody (anybody) excited about PA?
Now that the rain has started, we could have a festival celebrating the annual migration of raw sewage into the harbor at the foot of Lincoln Street. ( Crappy Dayze?)
We could invite people to the Morse Creek S-Turn Death Race, with prizes for the best rollover, best fiery crash , etc.
How about a Juan de Fukya Festival , where we celebrate the biggest waste of taxpayer dollars with a band at the Rayonier site and a 5k run around and around the Transit Center? Instead of face painting for the kids, we could brand them with a hot coat hanger- now that’s Authentic …
"It rolls of the tongue like a sack of dead squirrels. In print it looks pretentious and pedantic.
It oozes fake and insecure."
What do you expect from the Chamber? Something that actually will make sense and work?
I don't intend to sound sarcastic or mean. Just look at ALL the blah-blah they generate, and what comes of it all? Nothing. Not only nothing, but there are more vacant/"for rent/lease" commercial/retail spaces in town, than ever.
I was driving through last evening, and couldn't believe how many storefronts and buildings are empty.
Why don't they work to help the existing businesses survive and proper, instead of wasting their memberships' money on stupid efforts like this.
But, that crew at the Chamber still have their luncheon meetings on Monday, and convince each other how great they are, and how *NOW* they have figured it all out.
Now that they (Laurel Black)have figured out that ALL they had to do was change their slogan, the Port Angeles economy is going to just go bananas.
Yep. More of the same.
"Wow, three suicides here this weekend, that's a lot for the population here."
Hey! There is the new slogan for Port Angeles!
The Chamber needs a change and that change is in replacing "It's all about me" Russ.
Yes, how many more cable ads can we have with our leader of the chamber (unable to read a teleprompter to save his life) with an untrained voice, a face for radio, and a huge EGO. It really seems rinky dink when the ads look cheap, the sound quality horrid, the writing amateurish, and the narration a joke.
Yeah, Authentic alright. It's really authentic. (If authentic means stupid, that is.)
Kind of ironic, that. "The Authentic Northwest" is a tourism slogan. But tourism is all about creating a sort of escapist fantasy, it has nothing to do with authenticity, no matter how much the tourists want an "authentic experience". And around and around and around we go.
Looking at other tourist brochures from cities around the state (planning a more local vacation one day) it looks like a lot of other areas really drive home either mystery or adventure. You'll see terror-stricken adults crashing down some rapids, or a lake that's been Photoshopped to be all purple sunsety, like out of an Arthurian legend. Ours doesn't do that so much. Just thumbnail photos of events. Heck, don't be afraid to blow those things up and tweak them a little. Big and bold.
I still say the best thing for our Tourism Bureau is to build up a sort of extreme sports type adventure holiday: mountain hiking, rock climbing, the zip line, kayaking, mountain biking, snowboarding, logging camp, fishing holidays; all these things are within Port Angeles's grasp and a lot more "authentic" than a tourist shop and a gutted parking lot.
Why is it, that the Port Angeles Blog, contains nothing but negative comments?
If been reading this blog for about 3 months now, it's incredible that nearly every post is negative.
I read blogs all over the country and this one takes top prize for haters. WOW
Watcher: I agree. But in alot of ways it offsets the continuous stream of happy BS coming from the Chamber and PADA. "Everything is great, things are going to be even greater later, you're welcome"
The whole city seems to be cynical, jaded and negative overall. "Authentic Northwest"?
We're not negative, we're tired of the b.s. Tired of the same ol'people saying the same ol'stuff, pushing the same tired agenda's and stealing the money from us poor folk trying to live up here, and hopefully, trying to make it something better.
Not negative, pissed.
I'm posting as WTF or WTF? now. All these spurious posts attributed to The Watcher , WTF or WTF? are fascist trolls working for the realtors, Edna, Kaj Ahlburg, the Tri-Lateral Commission and others. Many, many others.
The whole city seems to be cynical, jaded and negative overall.
Well that sure as hell isn't going to make us stand out, name one city that isn't.
Watcher said...
Why is it, that the Port Angeles Blog, contains nothing but negative comments?
If been reading this blog for about 3 months now, it's incredible that nearly every post is negative.
I read blogs all over the country and this one takes top prize for haters. WOW
Of course, this person is the same person who has been, and continues to post under other member's user names, for the past ? weeks and months. How do we know? Who else on ANY of the threads uses the phrase "haters"? One and only. The person who has come here, and been one of the single largest sources of negative-ism here.
In this thread they are "Watcher", elsewhere "WTF?" and any other user name they feel like stealing, with the sole reason/ogjective of causing upset and confusion here.
"The Watcher said...
I'm posting as WTF or WTF? now. All these spurious posts attributed to The Watcher , WTF or WTF? are fascist trolls working for the realtors, Edna, Kaj Ahlburg, the Tri-Lateral Commission and others. Many, many others."
Well, Tom, I think you can see that this person is making a concerted effort to just post crap with a sole goal of disrupting any other conversations here. This has been going on for awhile now.
No one but you can do anything about this juvenile disruptor.
I suggest you figure out something, because it is becoming tiresome. Obviously there are a number of folks who really ARE interested in discussing events and politics in the Port Angeles area. But, this one person is determined to make sure they confuse and disrupt.
Hope you can deal with this..
Just a thought, maybe The Watcher is a christian, they love to call others haters.
"Obviously there are a number of folks who really ARE interested in discussing events and politics in the Port Angeles area"
yes, this is a liberal, pro-Max, anti-Edna, Green, anti-development, pro-art, anti-redneck, Green, anti-industry ... yadda, yadda, yadda blog.
Let's keep it that way. We're better than these re-thug-lican trolls, better in every way.
Tom, do your duty and ban all contrary thought on your blog!
Ha, someone posts opposite opinions on here and they are a facist trolls, then you cry out to Tom for help, just like a spoiled child running to mommy.
This is the funniest thing I've ever read.
"Ha, someone posts opposite opinions on here and they are a facist trolls, then you cry out to Tom for help, just like a spoiled child running to mommy."
"Tom, do your duty and ban all contrary thought on your blog!"
Never has this poster offered a contrary opinion...or any opinion at all. In hijacking screen names and twisting quotes, this person is actually only expressing their rage at their own pathetic inability to communicate. The shattered syntax and fractured grammar, combined with poor spelling and inability to express their own point of view indicates this person may well be a product of our local school system. The solution may be as easy as finding the culprit ,giving them a Magic Marker., and directing them to the nearest public restroom. That way, he/she could find a way to express themselves in an appropriate format and setting.
PS: BBC, please try again to explain to me how to put quotes in bold text. I can't, for the life of me, figure it out...WTF?
There you go again WTF? insulting someone that you do not agree with.
Anonymous said...
There you go again WTF? insulting someone that you do not agree with.
There is nothing to agree or disagree with...this sad person doesn't post opinions or positions. But you already knew that, didn't ya, edna ?
Fascist troll!
"this sad person doesn't post opinions or positions"
Sounds just like WTF to me.
"Fascist Troll!" even better than "Mania Zombie!"
I think our resident asshole should pony up, and try their wit at Tom's other blog:
I'm sure they will be well received.
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