Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Deb Kelly’s Hanging Sign

I’ve driven past that red sign hanging from a crane. I thought it seemed a bit more clever and original than just using newspaper ads and hundreds of yard signs.

But there have been some complaints.


Blogger BBC said...

Cranes have been used for that purpose here for years and I've never given it any thought.

So why are those monkeys making a big deal out of it?

Politics, rolls eyes....

6:36 PM, October 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelly's an all 'round incompetent.

Let's hope she hits the highway.

7:56 PM, October 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but there are so damn many of them. I swear those huge signs are every other block. I have Deb Kelly Fatigue Syndrome.

8:16 PM, October 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't care for the van hanging over the highway.
The signs are a big....too much. And, what is the "message" with the big words Faithful and someone calling her a b*tch dog?

8:43 PM, October 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its like the movies that have ads on every second -- they always suck.
I'm thinking she's feeling too guilty and trying toooooo hard. Girl thing. It's like being back in junior high.

8:44 PM, October 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking about all this earlier today: Isn't it "funny" how these folks (the Repubs/Conservatives)are ALL about "law and order", "following the law", "setting a good example" and other such rhetoric when campaigning, but when it comes to actually RUNNING a campaign, they sure find ways to circumvent the laws!!

11:36 PM, October 06, 2010  
Anonymous Digital Amish said...

Hanging a sign from an idle crane is no more an in-kind contribution than a bumper sticker on a plumber's van, a yard sign in front of a commercial office or an endorsement on a reader board.

And there was never a "van hanging over the highway". Hanging from the crane in the shop yard, yes, but never over the highway.

3:08 PM, October 07, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

The first time she ran for that office I watched a debate between her and her opponent at a PABA meeting.

She's vicious, really attacked him and she appeared pretty angry to me. My impression is that she is out to get men in general, and men that are having problems with women in particular.

Not giving any thought at all to the fact that maybe the woman caused some of that because they (some of them) can push a man to a breaking point, and be more than willing to lie about things in a courtroom.

Anyway, I've never liked and trusted her and would never vote for her. But his is just one monkeys humble opinion.

3:49 PM, October 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on Tom, this is the dumbest blog topic yet

4:12 PM, October 07, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

come on Tom, this is the dumbest blog topic yet.

No it isn't, there has never been a dumb blog topic here, only dumb commenters that hide behind anonymous.

6:45 PM, October 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The van was swinging pretty badly one night when we had some winds. Guess you didn't get to see that Digital.
Okay, so if I were running for anything, how much would it cost me to hire Affordable to hang my sign for me? Answer me that, Digital.
Hence, THAT IS the actual meaning of "IN KIND".
Must be a supporter of the nitwits who think that laws only apply to other people.

7:16 PM, October 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's an important blog topic.
The corruption in this town is a real problem. This is just another example. The woman is supposed to be upholding the law.....which means she cannot claim ignorance. I don't care what the excuses are. This is small town b.s. nonsense.
Thank you Tom!

7:18 PM, October 07, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

The van was swinging pretty badly one night when we had some winds. Guess you didn't get to see that Digital.

So the van may have fell and damaged something in his equipment yard, why should this be a concern to anyone else?

But that crane and it's cable can take a hell of a lot more stain than a puny two ton van and the winds we get here.

8:08 PM, October 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howie Ruddell gave free ads for Edna Petersen on his digital sign during the last election. If you or I wanted to use his sign for such things, we'd either be told no, or charged through the nose. So, yes, such gifts are very much an in-kind donation - and as such, something that obviously needs to be recorded and declared as such.

To do otherwise is, at best, sleazy. And really, hasn't this area already had enough sleazy to last a couple of lifetimes?

9:09 AM, October 08, 2010  
Blogger WTF? said...

I don't really have any faith in Kelly as a prosecutor- she appears to be just one more incompetent hack. This business with the signs should be investigated by the campaign disclosure watchdogs. Friedman, of course, has a bit of explaining to do over his domestic violence beef as well. And for the rest of us (as usual) we get to pick between shitty and crappy. Great.

11:22 AM, October 08, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And really, hasn't this area already had enough sleazy to last a couple of lifetimes?"

Well, Max would know, wouldn't he?

I'm surprised WTF? hasn't chimed in with the usual cry of "Fascists!"

11:41 AM, October 08, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bbc, the swinging van was affecting the MORONS on the road who were swerving, and suddenly braking to LOOK AT THE DAMN THING. I could care less if it fell and smashed up everything in the cheap Affordable guy's yard, or even if it squished him. It made for a dangerous 101 driving experience with the idiots who had to lookie at it.
Got it, BBC, the issue wasn't the van, it falling, the cable snapping, or any of it. It was how traffic was affected. People drive like shit around her, as it is, they don't need more distractions.

12:32 PM, October 08, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

I'm surprised WTF? hasn't chimed in with the usual cry of "Fascists!"



12:43 PM, October 08, 2010  
Blogger WTF? said...

I'm surprised WTF? hasn't chimed in with the usual cry of "Fascists!"

You really owe it to yourself to read a book, sometime there, grandma. I would suggest “The Anatomy of Fascism “ by Robert O. Paxton.

Though Mr. Paxton deals with the historic aspect of your moronic philosophy, and takes great pains to differentiate Fascism from its commonly misapplied modern definition, even an ignoramus like yourself should be able to draw some very distinct parallels (at least as many as the Repugnoid term “Socialism” as applied to Democrats.) … I can tell you where to buy it, but you’ll have to find someone else to actually read it too you.

1:33 PM, October 08, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

I would suggest “The Anatomy of Fascism “ by Robert O. Paxton.

No one is an expert on fascism, but some of them make great money writing about it, hurry down to the book store now and make another author rich.

5:14 PM, October 08, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the new blue "WTF" an agent provocatuer* ?

It makes some valid points but exposes its own distinct bias.

I doubt the sincerity of one that calls another an ignoramous regardless of any given position on a particular subject.

8:44 PM, October 08, 2010  
Blogger WTF? said...

No one is an expert on fascism, but some of them make great money writing about it, hurry down to the book store now and make another author rich.

Actually, Billy, an “expert” is exactly what Mr. Paxton is in this case. The book itself is largely considered the seminal work on this subject and is the culmination of some thirty years of research . It is a dry, scholarly, text book affair, and I doubt Mr. Paxton is getting rich off it. It ain’t Louis L’Amore, that’s for sure.

I doubt the sincerity of one that calls another an ignoramous regardless of any given position on a particular subject.

So, new to this blog? in this particular case “ignoramus” is actually quite charitable.

7:20 AM, October 09, 2010  
Blogger WTF? said...

There's an update to the Friedman "wife beater" story at the PDN website. Though the original story appeared on the front page, the "update" will appear in Sundays "letters to the editor" section. No doubt because the PDN is so "Fair and Balanced".

7:33 AM, October 09, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

So, new to this blog? in this particular case “ignoramus” is actually quite charitable.

Well now I'm just pissed because someone hasn't been charitable enough to call me an ignoramus here.

4:41 PM, October 09, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I doubt the sincerity of one that calls another an ignoramous regardless of any given position on a particular subject.

So, new to this blog? in this particular case “ignoramus” is actually quite charitable."

WTF?.. This is the same troll as has been here for the last ? months, going on about "Max Mania". Read back, and see the same speech patterns.

They were back earlier that same day with "" And really, hasn't this area already had enough sleazy to last a couple of lifetimes?"

Well, Max would know, wouldn't he?

I'm surprised WTF? hasn't chimed in with the usual cry of "Fascists!"

Edna keeps at it..

10:24 PM, October 09, 2010  
Blogger WTF? said...

WTF?.. This is the same troll as has been here for the last ? months, going on about "Max Mania".

Well, duh...

1:04 PM, October 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, the PDN has a story today, that lists the "contributions". Deb loaned herself $14k, and still neglected to list her "in kind" crane contributions, and her buddy, the affordable nonsense fella isn't even listed as a contributor.
Now I will, most certainly NOT VOTE for little Deb. This is ridiculous. Talk about deceitful, and not even bowing gracefully. She's not honorable.
You cannot have signs delivered to a 3rd party, of that dimensions, and "not know" that said 3rd party is going to hang them from a crane, display them on a truck, and do other things all for free. It is NOT like putting a sign on your car, or on your trike, and driving around. It is NOT like putting up a lawn sign.
She could have, at the very least, credited affordable sleezeball in her contributions. She didn't, so she going to lose (I hope). I don't care if her opponent is 101 years old, a moron and a cripple. The opponent could be a very smart trained goat, and it would be a better choice than a liar and a cheat.

1:10 PM, October 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My blood boils every time I drive by the hanging signs. I am outraged that people would defend her. We really do not want more corrupt people in our government positions.
Bad enough the port just awarded a retroactive raise. In this economic climate it shows you how out of touch our leadership is in this area, and how they seem to enjoy shi%%ing on us.
Deb should have been honest about "in kind".

1:14 PM, October 11, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We really do not want more corrupt people in our government positions."

Like Max "Mania" aka "the Watcher"?

1:27 PM, October 12, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"We really do not want more corrupt people in our government positions."

Like Max "Mania" aka "the Watcher"?

1:27 PM, October 12, 2010

Anonymous said...
"If there's really wrong doing, I'd like to know about it as, I suppose, would many others. Why not call the paper or some government office?"

I guess this reasoning applies to the malcontents such as yourself that seemingly have no other outlet for their bile than this forum!

Most others here write about interesting topics. But you just go on and on and on about the same thing.

So, I'll throw your sentence right back at you :"If there's really wrong doing, I'd like to know about it as, I suppose, would many others. Why not call the paper or some government office?"

Enough of the petty crap. Spell out the specifics. If you have a valid point, state it.

11:17 PM, SEPTEMBER 27, 2010

Again, as you now call Max Mania "corrupt", spell out the specifics!

9:36 AM, October 13, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Enough of the petty crap. Spell out the specifics. If you have a valid point, state it.

11:17 PM, SEPTEMBER 27, 2010

Again, as you now call Max Mania "corrupt", spell out the specifics!

9:36 AM, October 13, 2010"

Weeks pass by as we wait for you to spell out ANYTHING specific. Still nothing.

No surprise. Typical "conservative" teabagger tactic. Accuse with venom and rhetoric, but provide little real substance.

We can't run a country on that kind of crap!

8:57 PM, October 19, 2010  

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