Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cherie Kidd to Speak at PABA meeting

At this Tuesday's meeting of the Port Angeles Business Association, Mayor Cherie Kidd will be discussing the effects of increased Elwha River sediment on the city's water supply.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cherie Kidd couldn't intelligently discuss how water is wet and fire is hot. She is a complete and total moron. Port Angeles can be SO proud to have her as mayor. If she could only drive a log loader she'd be perfect for this podunk, loser town.

2:05 PM, May 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Max, for your pithy comments on Mayor Kidd!

How's Dale's law suit againnst the county going?

2:35 PM, May 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you live here if you think this is a "podunk, loser town"?

4:11 PM, May 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because everyone else knows this is a loser town, and few want to move here. So, selling my house is near impossible.

10:03 AM, May 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Port Angeles made the front page of the Seattle Times... for something positive! How often does that happen these days?

10:46 AM, May 27, 2013  
Blogger WTF? said...

Oh, you bet that Cheri is just such a dope. She's so dumb she bought a house in a podunk loser town she hates...She's so stupid all she can think to do about it is bitch endlessly, and voice her impotent rage on some other guy's blog. One of these days, I'm sure she'll flip out and drive her log loader right over the top of somebody's pick-up.

4:01 PM, May 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF- I guess you have not had any one-on-one dealings with Cherie. If you had, you would know how slow she really is.

8:42 AM, May 28, 2013  
Anonymous Andrew T. May said...

I would say there is no one slower or more of a moron then anonymous! Anyone who can not repeat their name or have ideas so shallow that even they do not want to take credit for them is truely the loser.

3:07 PM, May 28, 2013  
Anonymous Andrew B. Gay said...

YEs! We should ALL have too show our phot ID just like "Andrew T. May" does when he posts here! Yes! It will make Port Angeles better! The lack of proper identification here is only problem PA has! YES!!!

6:34 PM, May 28, 2013  
Blogger WTF? said...

8:42 am - I've only spoken to her briefly, she did not impress me as a mental defective. The irony here, of course is the sad, semi lucid commentary of 2:05 pm and 6:34 pm... Does this loser think these ridiculous rants somehow make the poster appear smarter than Cheri? (Or Anybody, for that matter?) How smart is it to comment on comments you haven't actually heard? How smart do you have to be before you figure out its not port Angeles that makes you unhappy - It's just your own stupid self...

9:59 PM, May 28, 2013  
Anonymous PA Nudist said...

I don't buy it. I think 2:05 is being insidiously sarcastic. Nice smackdown, though. I've enjoyed it all.

2:23 AM, May 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole hoopla about the alleged threat to the city's water is a bunch of posturing. Today's PDN says that the present treatment plant filtration system can produce "only" 14 million gallons of water a day.
People should look closely at the annual consumer confidence report about the water system that the city sends out with its utility bills. The system serving all of the city's regular customers - including the PUD customers the city sells to - produces and distributes about 3 million gallons of water a day.
Cutler & Kidd. What a pair!

9:02 AM, May 29, 2013  
Blogger WTF? said...

Cutler and Kidd didn't start the Hoopla over the silt...that was the good people at Chicken Little Inc, The Port Angeles Daily Dip Shit....instead of presenting the facts about the issue (and maybe reiterating the point that this whole shebang is an EXPERIMENT, and we don't know what all is gonna happen) the Daily Dipshit is always happy to inflate issues like this to stir the hillbillies up. The civic leaders at the Meeting (the head Hillbillies) needed to be reassured, so Cheri went over and told em they wouldn't have to pay for it.
Doesn't really matter how many kids here OD and die in the street- If the hillbillies don't hafta pay for it, we're cool.

10:48 AM, May 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the Daily Dipshit is always happy to inflate issues like this to stir the hillbillies up."

Of course they're happy to do that... That's what sells papers. And we just play right along.

"If the hillbillies don't hafta pay for it, we're cool."

Sad thing, they ARE paying for it... Just because the money comes from Olympia and Washington doesn't mean no one pays for it. Those are our tax dollars at work. Just because it's spread out across the state or country doesn't mean it's free. And if there are thousands of projects like these, or bus stops or concrete boardwalks or bridges to nowhere, then the idea of spread the cost across the country gets a bit diluted.

But, hey! Free money! Free free free!

11:54 AM, May 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You heard it here first: Watch Veolia Water and see how they will eventually swoop in and get control of the city's water supply. Google them and be amazed at their seemingly endless chain of bad-faith water grabs (and related lawsuits) around the world. It's no accident that they already have a presence here. Cutler is their chief minion, and I'm sure they have a person or two in the park service as well.

1:16 PM, May 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the Daily Dipshit is always happy to inflate issues like this to stir the hillbillies up."

"Of course they're happy to do that... That's what sells papers. And we just play right along."

Replying to the latter. Bullshit. A progressive paper would do great here. The paper is not a newspaper. It's a money making teabag mouthpiece, nothing more. Not very profitable, I'd imagine. Just a cog in giant company that runs on debt. Few local jobs, lots of negativity, that's it. But not news. Even the advertising and classifieds are obsolete. Social media is about ready to flood us with local info. No need for what's left of the traditional model much longer. We are talking months. Like books! Books will survive, newspapers and magazines, in general, won't. They might remain, cause they got bought out, but no one will talk about them. Because they won't be able to keep up with the change.

3:04 AM, May 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A progressive paper would do great here"

Maybe. "Progressives" in this town don't seem to be able to get together to do much of anything. I wonder how many really exist. Any time there is an issue in this town, the same dozen or so people show up to the event.

Where is everyone else?

10:37 AM, June 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want a "progressive" newspaper and I don't want a "conservative" newspaper... I want a paper that reports news.

But that's not what the media is about anymore. The media is all about whipping up the base to generate more clicks or ad revenue.

I think there will be a place for magazines, but it will be marginalized. Magazines, at least the decent ones, cover in-depth articles and analysis.

Social media? Please. A bunch of knee-jerk reactionaries, sound bites, half-formed ideas and people rushing out stories that may not even be true just to be "first". That's not what I call news.

5:56 PM, June 01, 2013  

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