Wednesday, April 30, 2014

PA United Proposes Merger of Port Angeles Business Groups

We'll see if this goes beyond the talking stage.  Leaders of the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce, Port Angeles Business Association and Downtown Association will present this proposal to their memberships for a vote.  Todd Ortloff, president of the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce and station manager at KONP, said:

“This is no longer three separate groups. This will be a group.”

Bob Lumens, president of the Port Angeles Downtown Association, said:

“If we could get all the things from having an efficient, organized, cooperative group, would we blow up these organizations and be in a better place?  I think the answer is yes.”

If the merger is approved, the Port Angeles Business Association and Chamber of Commerce would be dissolved and their functions would be divvied up into five task force committees.  The Downtown Association, being affiliated with the Main Street Program, can't be completely dissolved.  Parts of the organization will probably remain an independent 501(c)3. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care if they merge or not. I only care if they continue to get our tax money.

If they want to meet every week on their own dime, and come up with fantasy plans like doubling the population in the next 5 years, who could care?

7:38 PM, April 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:03 PM, April 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a mole has been discovered...

8:07 PM, April 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

change is GOOD

10:31 PM, April 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:03pm, may your long snooze be forever; you won't be missed. Bye.

1:14 AM, May 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this can actually close down our county/city government controlled Clallam EDC, (that only has a handful of actual private business members as eye candy and hasn't accomplished ANYTHING for AT LEAST a decade), it'll get my vote as a business owner.
When you've already hit bottom and are continually smothered - at every turn - by regulations and ever increasing restrictions from the county, the citys, the state, the fed, there's no place to go but UP.
Uniting private enterprise would certainly send local and regional govt the message business owners are fed up.
Stop regulating our businesses to death.
Going from just PA to county wide would be even better!
What ever happened to the big deal about the EDC "Big Tent meeting doing this?
Answer, "they're just doing business as usual"

1:45 AM, May 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These idiots couldn't lead their way out of a paper bag.

To paraphrase H. Ross Perot, that giant sucking sound you'll hear is your tax dollars going into someone's pocket.

4:45 AM, May 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 10:31pm
yes change is good, problem with this town is most don't agree.

5:47 AM, May 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, how different is this, anyways? These are business associations with members who belong to a couple of groups with different names. Most all are business owners, there to try to improve their own businesses. Many are members of more than one of these groups.

Now, the same people are talking about all calling themselves the members of a group with a different name.

The rest of us are not members of any of these groups. The vast majority of us are not members of any of these groups. But we all have been paying lots of money over the years, millions, to help these few people.

And, despite what these same people have come up with, the situation in Port Angeles continues to decline.

So, as far as I'm concerned, they can call themselves what ever they want, and meet as many times each week as they want to.

But, don't use my tax money to pay for their activities.

9:32 AM, May 01, 2014  
Blogger BBC said...

Did they mention that they feel this will make them a more powerful group.

Something I learned yesterday, anyone in Gales Addition wanting to hook up to the sewer line has to agree to annexation into the city.

The next thing you know you won't be able to get septic permits in that area, they'll force you to hook up to the sewer line if you like it or not.

I think more and more about moving somewhere else, I've lived other places and know there are better towns to live in.

7:21 AM, May 02, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, as we see in today's pdn, a "paid staff for the central committee" is envisioned.

"Central Committee"?? Isn't that what the governing body in Communist China is called?

So, if they aren't going to be asking for tax money, does this mean Haguewood, Russ and Barbie expect to have their salaries and bennies be paid by the business owners through the dues they each pay??

Given that these "leaders" never actually ever produce any real economic benefit, this might be a good thing! Business owners can simply quit, and put their money into their own pockets, instead of Jim, Russ and Barbie's!

Unless they convince the City to pass some law like they have downtown, where business owners have no choice. they HAVE to pay dues.

Hmmm. No wonder they have that Chinese-like name: Central Committee.

9:11 AM, May 02, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Billy. That annexation thing came about back when Karen, Larry and Headrick were running things, remember? They threatened to shut off the water to Gales unless everyone agreed to be annexed by their city?

Yes, there sure are a LOT of other towns that are nicer than this one. You aren't the only one thinking of moving.

You saw that article in the fish wrap a few weeks ago saying around 700 employable individuals have left, over the last year alone.

Maybe, one day, the city will figiure it out. But, I'm not holding my breath. Looking to move? Yes.

11:18 AM, May 02, 2014  

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