As of today’s 3 p.m. deadline,
seven people have applied for the City Council seat vacated by Larry Little.
The Council members will interview the applicants at a special meeting on Wednesday, January 20th at 5 p.m. in the City Council chambers. The applicants are:
Brad Collins, Serenity House of Clallam County development director and former Port Angeles planning director.
Thomas Davis, a musician, who formerly served as an Indian Council chairman in El Dorado County, CA.
Rick Burton, Nippon Paper Industries USA employee.
Dan Maguire, former Clallam County Family YMCA executive director.
Glenn Wiggins, a former Port Angeles city councilman and mayor and currently a forestry consultant.
Sheryle Outcalt, registered nurse.
John Matthews of the planning commission, and you probably know him from the Post Office.