Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Increased Turnout at Juan de Fuca Festival

Numbers haven't been tallied yet (probably available later this week), but festival organizers say this year's Juan de Fuca Festival attendance exceeds that of previous years.

Festival executive director Dan Maguire said:

“There was way more people every night, every day. No question, there was way more people. It couldn’t have gone any better. The closing bands every night were just really great bands.”

Studio Bob and several downtown bars featured after-hours concerts as part of the festival. Maguire said:

“The after hours thing, that couldn’t have gone better. We’ll probably expand on that next year because it just went so well.”

Sunday, May 29, 2011

D-Day and Taking Back the City Council

For anyone who didn’t see the Letters section in today’s PDN, former City Councilman Larry Williams had the following letter:

“On June 6, we’ll remember D-Day. Coincidentally, you’ll be able to file for elected office as well [through June 10]. At this writing, the Clallam County Elections website [http://tinyurl.com/25omebk] shows 50 offices open for filing, yet as of the writing of this letter, only a couple of candidates have declared their candidacy, according to the state Public Disclosure Commission.

Last month I challenged Port Angeles citizens to consider taking back control of City Hall. A voting majority of four Port Angeles City Council seats will appear on the November 8 ballot. Those satisfied with how Port Angeles is being run can vote for the incumbents seeking another term. But those who are fed up with the direction local government is headed need someone to support. Two new candidates challenging each incumbent can force a decisive primary election.

I know. You’ll be analyzed by the media and slanderously condemned by anonymous bloggers. If you win you’ll live in a fish bowl for four years and spend hours on thankless tasks for a pay rate that’s roughly half minimum wage.

The troops facing overwhelming odds to reclaim Europe on June 6, 1944, walked into heavy fire with no guarantee of success. Without their courageous effort, the world would be a much different place today. Likewise, moving Port Angeles into a better future means voters must first have a choice of different contenders to pick from.

The bigger the slate of new candidates, the better the likelihood our runaway government will be reclaimed. With a little nerve and determination, you could help get Port Angeles back on track.”

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Moving Forward with Smart Meter Installation

City Council members have already had their smart meters installed. And next week about fifty staff members will get them.

On June 6th the general public will start receiving them. In the first phase, the I Street neighborhood will receive 1,000 of the new water and electrical meters. All 19,000 of the new meters are expected to be installed by sometime in January.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Peninsula Unemployment Rate Drops

Clallam County's unemployment rate in April was 10.3%; down from 11.3% the previous month.

The unemployment rate in Jefferson County fell from 10.8% in March to 9.7% in April.

Clallam County added 280 jobs in April; Jefferson County added 110.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Two Zip Line Courses on West End?

Dan Williams, co-owner of Green Planet Inc., hasn't started work yet on a zip line south of Port Angeles (for which he already has a permit). Now he's planning to build two zip line courses between Lake Crescent and Forks.

He also wants to build an air tram, which would connect downtown Port Angeles with the zip line he plans to build near Little River Road.

Williams said the air tram and zip line would put Port Angeles on the map for tourism. He said:

“It’s kind of pie in the sky. It’s kind of big thinking.” And referring to the local economy, Williams said:

“We’d better hit a few home runs over the fence, or we’re going to lose the game.”

Friday, May 20, 2011

Temporary Wage Reduction for PenPly Employees

Hourly employees at PenPly will be getting a 10% wage reduction, starting with the next pay period. Company management has already taken a 10% pay cut. The pay cuts will be reviewed after 90 days.

The pay reductions will save the mill $25,000 a month.

PenPly President Josh Renshaw said the mill attempted, unsuccessfully, to get a loan to cover additional costs.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wild Olympics Campaign Speech at Chamber of Commerce

Wild Olympics spokesman Jon Owen and Jim Gift, chairman of the Olympic Audobon Society, were the guest speakers at the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce meeting yesterday. They spoke in favor of the Wild Olympics campaign to add 37,000 acres to Olympic National Park.

Next month the Chamber will hear a counter speech by landowners who are less amenable to expanding the park.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jim McEntire to Run for Clallam County Commission

Jim McEntire, Port of Port Angeles Vice Chairman, will be running for the Clallam County Commissioner position being vacated by Steve Tharinger. So far, the only other candidate for this position is Linda Barnfather.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Sales Tax Revenue Up in Port Angeles and Forks; Down in Sequim and Port Townsend

Sales tax figures for 2010 show a slight increase in sales tax revenue in Port Angeles (2.44%) and Forks (5.5%). The unincorporated areas of Clallam County had an increase of 5.67%.

There were revenue decreases in Port Townsend (0.61%), Sequim (0.25%) and the unincorporated areas of Jefferson County (13.4%).

Friday, May 06, 2011

New Group Wants to Improve Retail in Port Angeles

The ten members of the Retail Sector Study Group met last week for the first time. Their goal is to improve the retail situation in Port Angeles.

The group consists of: Kent Myers, Brad Collins, Brooke Nelson, Pat Downie, Kaj Ahlburg, Dan Gase, Mike Edwards, Joe Cammack, Katrina Berg and Tracy Hedin.

The main obstacles they discussed were the closure of
Gottschalks in 2009, the limited hours that shops are open, merchants not accepting Canadian currency, and people shopping online. The group will meet again on May 20th.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Port Angeles Might Hire Hearing Examiner for Land Use Issues

The City Council voted unanimously to come up with a funding plan for hiring someone to deal with land use issues. If/when this person is hired, land use applications and appeals would no longer be handled by the City Council or Planning Commission.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Work Beginning Soon on New Border Patrol Headquarters

Within three weeks, work will be starting on the Border Patrol's new headquarters in the former Eagles Aerie 483 building at South Penn St. and Hwy. 101.

The building will be gutted, the inside will be redone and a new roof will be put on. The new facility will be built for up to fifty Border Patrol agents, up from the four agents they had in 2006.