Laid-off Workers and Overpaid Bureaucrats
“Regarding the Dec. 14 letter to Peninsula Voices, “Haigiwara’s re-hiring,” as a former employee of K Ply, ITT PenPly and Peninsula Plywood for 40 years, this is what my severance package was, owner by owner, as a union member:
First was the sale of Peninsula Plywood to ITT PenPly to Klukwan, of which I received $4,000, of which Uncle Sam took $1,500, which left me with $2,500, and I had to apply for a job with K Ply, no guarantee of getting re-hired.
Then, the fall of K Ply, of which I received no severance and no vacation pay from the previous year, which was four weeks pay acquired, and no state COBRA insurance continuance due to K Ply failing in their part, so we were dropped and found this out two months after the fact.
Now, the Port of Port Angeles has taken over the K Ply property, and it sounds like the chance of getting re-hired by a new owner is out the door.
Maybe the Port would like to pay the former employees of K Ply what is owed, since they have lots of money to fire and then hire former employees and give them large severance packages because of the excuse he was not able to be union.
The workers of K Ply were union, and we got the shaft and nothing more.
Happy holidays, former K Ply employees. Your coal is in the mail. Ho ho ho.”