Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are YOU influenced by Political Campaign Spending?

Today's online PDN polls asks:

"Does the amount of money raised in a candidate's or initiative campaign influence your vote?"

 With 826 votes cast, the results are:

No      78.3%

Sometimes   11.3%

Yes      8.6%

I don't vote   1.8%

Initiative 522 has taken a nosedive.  It was a slam dunk before Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association poured $22 million into their sleazy campaign against it; now it's trailing in the polls.  And yet 78.3% say they aren't influenced by political spending.  Something doesn't add up.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Waterfront Trail Still Not Open through Rayonier Mill Site

The part of the Waterfront Trail that goes through the former Rayonier mill site is still not open.  Public Works officials are waiting for more input from the state Department of Ecology.  City Engineer Mike Puntenney said:

“We're waiting for the response. Hopefully, we'll get it next week.”

As of last Friday afternoon, the Ecology Department could not be reached for comment.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Governor Inslee to Attend Private Nippon Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

On November 1st, Governor Jay Inslee will be attending a private ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the later-in-the-month startup of Nippon's expanded biomass cogeneration plant.  The celebration is tentatively scheduled for 2 p.m. on November 1st.  Nippon Manager Harold Norlund said:

“It's a private function.  Selected individuals have been invited.”

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Chamber of Commerce says to Hurry Up and Get Those Lincoln Park Trees Out of There

The Chamber of Commerce presented a letter yesterday to the Port of Port Angeles, urging them to move forward with the removal of the Lincoln Park trees that are "blocking" the landing path into Fairchild Airport.  The Lincoln Park Master Plan consists of two parts:  removing the taller trees, and the renovation of Lincoln Park.  Chamber president Brian Kuh urged the Port to handle these two issues separately.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

City Council Candidates to speak at Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

At tomorrow's Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce luncheon, the guests will be the candidates for Port Angeles City Council:  Peter Ripley and Lee Whetham, the 2 candidates running for Position #2; and Pat Downie, Dan Gase and Brad Collins, who are all running unopposed.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Should Olympic National Park be Reopened Using State Funds?

The Obama Administration has authorized states to reopen their national parks, but they'll have to use state funding.  Federal funding won't be available until the shutdown is resolved.  Today's Peninsula Poll Question is:

"Should Gov. Jay Inslee reconsider and take the federal offer to reopen Olympic National Park using state funds?"

With 802 votes cast, the results are:

No    67.0%

Yes   28.7%

Undecided  4.4%

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Port of Port Angeles Commissioner Candidates to speak at Chamber Luncheon

At tomorrow's meeting of the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce, the guests will be the two commissioner candidates for Port of Port Angeles District One:  Colleen McAleer and Del DelaBarre.

Friday, October 04, 2013

Port Angeles Harbor Polluted With Raw Sewage and Stormwater

The Clallam County Environmental Health Division has warned the public to avoid contact with Port Angeles Harbor for the next seven days.  After the recent heavy rains, the harbor has been swamped with about eight million gallons of stormwater and raw sewage.