Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tree-Topping in Lincoln Park

Solomon offered to cut the baby in half, and now the Port and City Council are considering topping the Lincoln Park trees instead of cutting them down completely.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Jim Haguewood to Speak at PABA meeting

The guest at Tuesday's meeting of the Port Angeles Business Association will be Jim Haguewood, senior partner with The One Group, and former Clallam County Economic Development executive director

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Staggered Hours for Sequim City Offices

To prepare for the construction of new Police and City Hall buildings, the City of Sequim will start closing certain offices.  The City will maintain this staggered schedule into next month.

Sequim residents who have questions can call City Hall at 360-683-4139.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lincoln Park Trees Closer to Getting Cut Down

Port of Port Angeles officials will be meeting this Thursday with the FAA to discuss the removal of the Lincoln Park trees that are obstructing the flight approach to Fairchild Airport.  Port interim Executive Director Ken O’Hollaren and Airport and Marina Manager Jerry Ludke will be attending the meeting.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Largest Salmon Run in Decades

According to officials from Olympic National Park, the Elwha River has had the largest run of Chinook Salmon in decades this fall.  Salmon that had been blocked by the Elwha Dam are now able to come streaming into the Elwha River and its tributaries.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Deb Kelly to Resign

Deborah Kelly, Clallam County's elected Prosecuting Attorney, has announced that she will resign at the end of the year.  Her term would have expired at the end of 2014.  She stated:

“It has been an honor and privilege to serve this community as Prosecuting Attorney for the past 11 years but it is time for me to step down.” 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Animal Rights Group to Protest Animal Shelter in Forks

Steve Markwell, who runs Olympic Animal Sanctuary in Forks, will be the target of a protest by a grass roots group called Protest OAS.  Steve Markwell has provided a sanctuary for dogs that are unadoptable because of viciousness or other behavioral problems.  Most of these dogs would have been euthanized if Steve Markwell hadn't taken them in.  But he's gotten lots of negative publicity because of the dogs' overcrowded conditions.

Protest OAS will be attending a Forks town meeting tonight, and then they will march from Tillicum Park to the Forks Elks Lodge.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Boat Owners Protest Moorage Rates at Port of Port Angeles Meeting

Boat Haven tenants packed a Port of Port Angeles preliminary budget meeting earlier today.  More than a dozen speakers blasted John Calhoun and Paul McHugh for increasing moorage rates while Boat Haven occupancy is decreasing.  The leader of People for the Responsible Operation of the Port said the Port is using a “grossly unfair, unrepresentative moorage rate study” to establish their rates.  He added:

“Your insistence on raising moorage rates repeatedly in the face of an alarming decline in Boat Haven occupancy defies reason and good sense.”

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Property Taxes, Utility Rates to Go Up

The Port Angeles City Council has agreed with staff recommendations to raise property taxes and utility rates.  Phil Lusk, Deputy Director of Power and Communications Systems, said the city needs to raise utility rates in order to pay for the Combined Sewer Overflow project and the stabilizing of the bluff at the former landfill site, both of which are unfunded mandates.  He said the average customer will pay roughly fourteen dollars more per month.

City property taxes will also go up, but by a smaller increase than the utility rate hike.  Chief Financial Officer Byron Olson said a $150,000 home will be charged about $4 more per year.

I-522 and Tim Eyman Initiative Go Down in Flames

Monsanto/GMA's $22 million sleaze campaign paid off.  I-522, which would have required labeling of all GMO products, was rejected by voters.  The public was hugely in favor of this measure until the Food Syndicate smothered the state with $22 million worth of brochures, full page ads and folksy TV commercials.

I-517 also got defeated.  Apparently the public disagrees with Tim Eyman's view that there just aren't enough paid signature-gatherers accosting people in enough public places.

The SeaTac $15-per-hour minimum wage is winning so far.

Colleen McAleer defeated Del DelaBarre for Port of Port Angeles commissioner.  And the Fire District 2 levy lid lift was defeated.