The PDN doesn’t have anything about this. But the hundreds of people at last night’s Concert On The Pier must have been wondering WTF was going on.
A man was swimming back and forth between the pier and a boat about forty feet away. One person said he was trying to pull the boat ashore, even though the boat was anchored. Somebody else said he was just trying to pull himself up into the boat, but he was too exhausted and wasn’t able to.
Two or three police cars and an ambulance drove onto the pier. Several police officers eventually coaxed the man out of the water and helped him up onto the dock. He fell back into the water and was helped out again. They eventually got him up the gangplank, onto the pier and into the ambulance.
It seemed like he was in the ambulance for quite awhile before they left. The ambulance eventually took off — no sirens or flashing lights or anything.
Does anybody else know any more about this?